Collaboration and Feedback
Our Environments
Our group has created their own environment each, which will all link together using environmental storytelling. The lore of our environments will all link together, as if they were separate rooms in the mansion. Our group had held a vote to decide our subtheme, with Infected/Corrupted having the most votes, along with the Alien theme having the second most votes, and Ancient Rome coming in third place.
We had communicated well in order to see which rooms would include what objects, and how the environmental storytelling would link each room together. As we wanted the end of the storytelling to show a corrupted book slowly taking over the environments.
Our group was very organised from the start, and we created a document with important details of our environments, which included the time period, the lore, location, colour scheme, layout of the environment, hero assets ideas, and general asset list. Below are our notes for our environments.

I had shown my group members my block outs and the progression pictures of my environment. From the progress pictures they had said they liked everything about my environment. Except, in one set of pictures I had temporarily removed the lighting from my environment. They said they were not sure why I had done this. However, I assured them it was only temporary as I wanted the environment to be lit, so they could see every aspect of the environment.
I had also given feedback to the other members of the group for their environments. Both of the other environments were also very well made, and I praised the other members for their work. As upon seeing their environments, I believe we have collectively created a narrative between each environment.
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