Composition, Colour and Lighting
I had used four types of lighting in my environment. The first being point lights. I had used point lights to portray lighting coming from the wall lights within my environment. The second type of lighting I have used was emissive lighting. Emissive lighting was used simply because I had assets which emitted lights. Such as a torch, the wall lights and lamps within the environment. The third type of lighting which I used was the lights from the particle effects. I had found this type of lighting useful because I had planned to include a fire particle effect and the lighting emitted from this effect was particularly useful. As it helped light my environment in a darker feel than the other types of lighting. Finally, I had used a directional light to simulate a dark moonlit night. However, the moon was not present in my environment, although I felt the simulated moonlight went well with the HDRI sphere, which I placed in my environment.
Colour Theme
As mentioned previously, the colour theme we had chosen for our environments was a dark academia theme. I believe I have followed this colour scheme well throughout my environment. However, the wallpaper I had placed does slightly contradict this colour scheme. Although, I would also argue that it suits my environment well at the same time.
Other Effects Used
I have imported a HDRI texture for my environment, which I found to have suited the location and lighting. The HDRI texture is a dimly lit location set at night, which collaborated well with the directional light, as I could simulate moon light. Which then created the illusion of my environment being lit by the HDRI texture.
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