


From our groups concepts I had liked the idea of having a square room or a longer rectangular room with slightly more room in the environment. As our library was going to be part of a mansion, I had liked the idea of the room to be a larger room than just a square. In the end I had chosen the rectangular room.

In regard to design theory, I had contemplated what colour and lighting could be used in my environment. Since the location was a library, our group had thought of using a Dark Academia colour scheme, as we thought this would suit our environments best. My environment would be lighted using point lights and emissive lights in Unreal Engine. As I wanted the environment to have a dark tone and not be too light, as it would be set at night.

Below are screenshots of my block outs for my potential environment.

Progress Screenshots

I wanted to show my progress of my environment, throughout this project, as I felt that my understanding of Unreal Engine and environment design was increasing as each minute was passing. I felt confident with my progress and the days I spent on my environment I gained significant progress with my environment. Below are my progress screenshots, which include my Day 1 progress, my Day 2 progress and my Day 3 progress.

Day 1
Day 1
Day 1
Day 2
Day 2
Day 2
Day 2
Day 3
Day 3
Day 3

Throughout these days of working within Unreal Engine, I felt more confident with my abilities to create an environment with a deadline and a occurring theme. As I have very limited experience with Unreal Engine, I felt proud of what I have created and enjoyed my experience of creating this environment. As I have learnt new skills, and new methods of creating objects and materials. Such as Vertex Painting, where you can add an even greater level of detail in your environment.

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