Peer to Peer Feedback

Peer to Peer Feedback

Discussion with team members

Our group had talked about details such as, time period, aesthetic, layout, the lore, potential hero assets, our roles and the found asset list. Our first meeting was productive, as we were all passionate about this project. We had decided the most important details and could set out to create our assets and environment from there.

Teams Whiteboard Ideas

Uniqueness of each asset

We did not want to create similar hero assets. I felt that a grand piano would suit our environment better instead of a guitar, and I felt it was more of a challenge. The hero assets we had decided upon were a grand piano, a painting, a corrupt book and a child’s teddy bear. We believe that these individual assets are different from one another.

Asset Incorporation

Our lore of the environment was that a corrupt book emerged from the library and started to take over its surroundings. The corrupt book would be the source of the infected environment. Also in the library a grand piano would stand, with a painting on a wall. A child’s teddy bear would be near a tent, in which a family who have searched for shelter would reside. We believe that each asset ties in well together and they all unite to tell a part of the story together.

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