The Team
I enjoyed working in our team, as we all had an understanding of what we all wanted to create from the very start of this project. We all created our own environments which linked well together to create a story from each environment. Our team communicated well, and there was no confusion of what it was we were going to create. Additionally, each member also had their own contributions to the project, which were all significant to the project in their own way. I also like working in this team, as we all had the understanding of that if we start the project early, then this would save time and stress in the future, as we all related to the fact that we did not want any stress with this project.
I believe one way in which I could improve my environment further is by adding more detail to the floor. I would say that the wooden floor does not look rotted enough to be part of the environment, and I believe I could achieve this by adding decals to the floor, and vertex painting the floor and adding moss and rot with vertex painting. Additionally, I would also say that adding water effects to my environment would give my environment more character. Water effects such as standing water in the corners of the room, or water damage on different objects.
Another way I believe I could improve my environment is by adding the moon into my environment. This was one idea I had, but I did not know how to implement this within my scene. I believe adding the moon would further enhance the illusion of the simulation of moonlight, instead of just importing a HDRI texture and using the directional light.
Furthermore, I believe I could have further improved my environment by having a portion of the first floor as collapsed. I believe that this would greatly improve the environmental storytelling of my environment, as it would show how the walkway has rotted from the corrupted book, and it would also enhance the infected and corrupted feel of my environment.
Another idea which I had for my environment was to have a portion of the glass ceiling broken, which would then allow for water to be able to reach the grand piano, and then give the grand piano some water damage. This is because I had designed my hero asset to show some water damage. However, I could not replicate this within my environment.
If I was to recreate this environment, I would attempt to create my own assets. I believe this would give me a greater advantage for future projects, as I would be able to give the assets more characteristics then normal found assets. Since I would be able to give the assets more detail in relation to the environment I am creating. Such as textures which relate to the environment they have been placed in. Instead of having the assets with their normal textures and materials, and then having to vertex paint the found assets.
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