Production Notes

Production Notes

Camera Shots

I wanted to use a range of camera types and shots, in order to create a dynamic sequence. The shots used were:

  • Establishing
  • Zoom
  • Full
  • Medium
  • Pan
  • Down
  • Over The Shoulder
  • Group
  • Dolly
  • Up
  • Tracking

By taking advantage of these shots, I believe I created a dynamic sequence, which creates an intense experience for the viewer. Instead of having minimal camera movement, and varying shots.

Postproduction Effects

I chose to use the following postproduction effects:

  • Bloom
  • Exposure Compensation
  • Chromatic Aberration

I chose the bloom effect to make some shots slightly brighter, whilst also not making the shot too bright. I felt a subtle amount of bloom was necessary.

Similarly, I used exposure compensation. As some places were too dark. For example, underneath the car where the grenade falls.

Furthermore, I used a subtle chromatic aberration on the opening shot, to create a sense of unease. Giving a small sense of foreshadowing for the sequence.


For my sequence, I had gathered a range of assets, animations and sound effects, which were needed for my sequence, which are referenced in another blog post. Below is a screenshot of the 3D assets I used.

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