Prototype Development Log

Prototype Development Log

2nd February 2023

Prototype #1 – Player Movement, Camera Movement, Enemy Movement, Enemy Spawns, Player Attack, Enemy Attack, Player Health, Player Ammo, Reloading, Timer and Player Respawn implemented into Prototype.

Issues – Enemy Characters did not move towards player or animate. Fixed by reverting enemies to cubes.

Enemy Movement Issue

Ragdoll on player death event – Character Mesh continued to pass through walls and floor on Ragdoll Event. Fixed by setting collision enabled of character mesh.

Ragdoll Collision Issue

3rd February 2023

Prototype #1 – Barricades and Health Pickups implemented into Prototype. Implemented new map. Player can now shoot through barricades.

Issues – Barricades block enemies from passing through when destroyed. Fixed by changing “Can Ever Affect Navigation” on Barricades to False.

Enemy Navigation Issue
Prototype V.1
Map V.2

6th February 2023

Prototype #1 – Barricades can now be rebuilt by the player, after being destroyed by the enemies. Character now looks where cursor is pointing. Updated map. Included Invisible Walls so player cannot enter enemy spawn area. Updated Navigation when player collects health.

Issues – Barricades did not spawn back to original spawns as intended. Barricades teleported to 0, 0, 0 world coordinates. Issue fixed by respawning Barricade blueprint, instead of replacing actors.

Barricade Issue
Map V.3

Navigation did not update when player collected health. Fixed issue by changing “Runtime Generation” to “Dynamic” in Project Settings.

Camera began to jolt whenever player walked close to a wall. Fixed issue by Ignoring Camera in Collision Presets of playable grid area.

Camera Collider Issue

8th February 2023

Prototype #1 – Collectable coins, coin counter and turrets added to prototype.

Issues – Turret does not follow where enemy goes. However, the turret can follow the character. Issue fixed by using an Event Tick node, which uses the Get All Actors of Class node, and finds the enemies.

Turret Issue

13th February 2023

Prototype #1 – Player can convert arcades to turrets if they have 10 coins or more. Widget shows if player does not have 10 coins or more. Added Upgrade Screen for turrets. Player can add more turrets to the level, if they have 10 coins or more. Changed colour of enemies, arcade machines, upgrade machine and turrets for easier identification.

Converting Arcade Machine to Turret

Issues – Turrets only spawn in one location on the map.

Turret Spawn Issue

14th February 2023

Prototype #1 – Coins out of reach of player are now destroyed after 5 seconds, and added to player coin count. Player can upgrade their weapon after collecting 20 coins via the upgrade arcade machine. Upgraded weapon included more ammo and quicker reload time. Fixed barricades now add 1 to player coin count.

Issues – HUD will disappear if player clicks anywhere on the screen while the Upgrade Screen is visible, and will reappear once player reenters the collision box. Issue fixed by changing which third person character blueprint the widgets were cast from.

Upgrade Screen Issue
Map V.4

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