Prototype Planning

Prototype Planning

My team had set up a Discord server, to make it easy to communicate to each other. We formulated ideas for the prototypes and sent them into the server.

Formulating Ideas

We had then narrowed the prototypes down to the three we preferred the most, in a Google Document. This document included the genre and mechanics for each prototype, to give each prototype more clarification. Below is the link to the document.

Additionally, we also chose the roles for each person, as the three of us knew what our strengths were, and each of us were happy with the roles we were given.

We also chose to use HacknPlan to plan our prototypes and main project. Below is the link to our HacknPlan.

On 7th February, we decided to change the concept of Prototype #1. We had received feedback which suggested that this prototype was too unoriginal, and we had decided to change the setting and gameplay mechanics to make it more unique.

Prototype #1 Updated Concept

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