Professional Portfolio

Professional Portfolio


Personal Projects


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Game Engine: Unreal Engine

Project Information: This project was an expansion of an entry I submitted to the Grads In Games Rising Star 2023. Created during the summer break after my second year at university, I set out to create the prototype and expanded on the main mechanic, which was the Torch dissolving the enemies.

I delved deeper into Unreal Engine with this project, as I explored AI, Animations, Lighting, VFX, Optimisation and more complex mechanics. Setting myself new challenges with this project, I felt I was able to create a working prototype with minimal bugs.

Nocturnals Main Mechanics

Selected University Projects

In Progress 3rd Year Major Project

Role: Game Designer & Level Designer

Game Engine: Unreal Engine

Project Deadline: 7th May 2024

Project Information: Myself and one other team member are looking to create a First Person Puzzle game which allows the player to see into a different realm. The main mechanic lies around the player having the ability to mask their environment and see objects that are part of a different dimension. Additionally, we are collaborating with a Sound Design student for this project, where we have incorporated our project onto GitHub with FMOD integration.

Work In Progress Gifs

Masking Realms Mechanic
Pressure Plate Puzzle
Platform Puzzle
Pulley System Puzzle

Retro Rampage

Link to Project:

Role: Game Designer

Game Engine: Unreal Engine

Project Information: This project was part of the Collaborative Game Project module at the University of Hull. My role included the creation of the level, mechanic creation, gameplay music creation and asset incorporation. I am proud of the chain reaction mechanic, and the turret targeting system.

This game was selected to be shown at the University of Hull’s School of Arts 2023 Student Showcase, and was also submitted to the Aesthetica Film Festival.

Bomb Boys Chain Reaction

Level Design

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Game Engine: Unreal Engine

Project Information: For this module, I was required to create a Level Blockout that incorporated the different principles and theories of Level Design. This project allowed me to expand my technical abilities and gained more knowledge of Unreal Engine, and with Level Design being one of my main interests I was particularly excited for this project.

Manic Music

Link to Project:

Game Engine: Unity

Project Information: Tasked with creating an original video game concept, this project also incorporated FMOD and the creation of original assets. I came up with the idea of a guitar pick shooting the wrong notes and collecting the correct notes, with an electric guitar as the playable map.

Manic Music Gameplay

Tunnel Run

Link to Project:

Role: Game Designer

Game Engine: Unity

Project Information: This project was created for a Game Jam at the University of Hull. A small group with three other members, my role consisted of the creation of the level, and incorporation of the assets created by my team members. This was my first team project, after only using Unity for less than a month.

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