Weight Painting

Weight Painting


I used the Inside Out Method. My reasoning for using this method is because I believe it allows for a more organised workflow and allows you to work your way up the model knowing what limbs you have weight painted.

I started with flooding the Hip joint and then working through the legs and then onto the chest, arms and then neck. When I was happy with my model, I then mirrored the values from the left to the right side, in order to save time. During the process, I was moving the limbs to make sure the values were correctly smoothed. If I did not do this, then the values would have been inaccurate, and the limbs would have moved more skin than they would need.

Weight Painting Values
Weight Painting Joint Movement


Painting the skin weights on my model was not an easy process. In total I had to attempt the process 14 times, as there were tiny blue values spread across the model, and the values of the joints sometimes reset when I had saved in Maya. The tiny blue values were caused by blank spaces where I had already weight painted, and I found out which joints had the blank spaces. Whilst the resetting of values was caused by myself not locking the values of the joints I had already weight painted.

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