Animation Principles
Principles Used
From researching the 12 principles of animation (Coron, 2023), I believe I have used the following principles in my sequences.
Squash and Stretch. The character gives the illusion of their weight by squashing down after jumping.
Anticipation. The character anticipates and prepares to jump into the crawl.
Staging. Moving the capsule into the frame as the creature is about to attack, shifting the focus towards this object.
Follow through, overlapping action and Arcs. The legs and arm slow down at different rates after the character jumps, and they also follow the curving arcs after jumping.
Secondary action. Subtle movements suggesting that the character is breathing.
Timing. The character’s crawl becomes slightly faster over time.
Exaggeration. The character exaggerates their bounce before the roar.
Appeal. Showing the characters stalking and demonic personality.
Coron, T. (2023) Understand Disney’s 12 principles of animation. Available online: [Accessed 9/5/2023].
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