Development Log
14th November 2023
Implementations – Myself and Travis created a draft level blockout of the tutorial section of our game. Travis suggested that the player has to move a platform in order to collect an item. He took inspiration from Song of Nunu (Tequila Works, 2023) for this puzzle, as there is a section where the player must move a platform to complete the section.
This inspiration is in our project in the picture below. The player will have to pull a lever which would make the blue platforms move and then lower the chandelier, which is currently the white platform, in order to be able to collect the item on top of the chandelier.
Reflection – Wanted to slowly ease the player into the game and it’s atmosphere, by providing simple puzzles that showcase some of the puzzles and hallways that provide an atmospheric ambience. We assessed our blockout and had identified a weakness of the pacing of the game so far. We realised that the level is rushing the player into each puzzle. So we decided to include hallways as a short break for the player, as rushing the puzzles into the game may be overwhelming. Additionally, the scaling of the level was too large in some sections. Travis noticed this and we made the changes to make the scaling more suitable for the player. Furthermore, we have incorporated some level design principles and theories into the tutorial section. Such as funnel/reveal and inaccessible places. At this moment in time we believe we are making good progress with the level blockout, and hope to maintain this pace to stick to our project schedule.
16th November 2023
Implementations – Additions to the level blockout. More contrast in shape with breaking the grid with hallways.
Reflection – Reflected on our current design, and decided that we should include more contrast within the level and the size of some rooms. For example, include more of a funnel/reveal principle in the large section, and breaking the grid with hallways, as these would make our level better.
Include discord feedback screenshots about the level
21st November 2023
Implementations – Additional sections to level blockout, and minor room changes.
Reflection – One section of our level will be a library where the player will have to find certain books on bookshelves to complete a puzzle. We each had our own opinions for this section, as I argued that the library show include height variation, whereas Travis argued that the room was becoming too crowded with stairs. Making room for the stairs, we were both happy with this room. Although I did agree with Travis with the room being crowded, I found a solution for this, as I wanted to include height variation, which would make the level more interesting with the incorporating theory, as well as the contrasting environments between the library.
Additionally, at this moment in time the blockout is nearing the end of creation, as we are conscious of the scope of the project, and do not wish to create an unrealistic deadline for our project. However, we will reevaluate our production schedule, and may decided to extend the level even further if we have enough time.
28th November 2023
Implementations – Additions to level blockout and created Gauntlet Room. We received feedback from Adrian about the player not being able to pick up the orbs so early on in the game, and instead showing the player what they do first.
Reflection – We set out to create a final section where there would be three rooms in which the player must complete puzzles to finish the game. I took inspiration from Oddworld: Abe’s Exoddus (Oddworld Inhabitants, 1998), where the player must complete each room which then opens up the next section.
For the Gauntlet Room I wanted to create a section where the player must traverse the level having to jump on moving platforms with swinging orbs revealing certain platforms. This would be a difficult section, and I will include checkpoints for the player halfway through this section. It is meant to be an intense section, as this is part of the finale of the game, whilst including height variation and breaking of the grid, and the player will be running the gauntlet with the room aptly named.
1st December 2023
Issues – Attempting to successfully package a project with FMOD sounds implemented, an error showed when opening the packaged game. Even though I had the FMOD plugin installed, this error still persisted to show.
After a few hours of troubleshooting it was found that the project had to include a blank C++ class, whilst downloading the latest versions of FMOD Studio and the plugin. I then had to generate the project files and open the C++ class in Visual Studio.
Where I then had to set the project as a start up project and then build the class once again.
Once this was completed I then packaged the project in Unreal and was able to hear the implemented sound.
5th December 2023
Implementations – Finished draft level block out and begun working on the playable prototype.
Reflection – I wanted to have two sections which incorporated the zig-zagging, framing, gating and hub and spoke level design principles. As these principles would give the level more contrast, as well as making it more engaging for the player. I received feedback which was to make use of the main mechanic more, as some of the ideas we had in mind did not make use of the mechanic. For example, in the hub and spoke principle room, we had an idea for the player to pull levers and open doors, similar to the puzzles in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Bethesda Game Studios, 2011).
6th December 2023
Implementations – Player can now activate multiple orbs at once, and only activate the orb they are looking at instead of all the orbs at the same time. Additions to Diary Page Room, created Diary Pickups Blueprints. Created Diary Page One and Two Puzzles.
Reflection – The feature to allow the player to activate multiple orbs at the same time was pivotal, as this would make some puzzles more intense, and allow us to fully commit to our vision. Instead of compromising, and settling for inferior puzzles. One example of this is a bridge which includes swinging orbs which would pave the way for the player.
7th December 2023
Implementations – Created draft camera actors, door placeholder blueprints, pipe burst trigger set piece, boiler blueprint.
Reflection – We wanted to include a type of camera which would act as an enemy. These would stop the player from advancing, until they were deactivated, and we think this section would be a sensible place to introduce them. The player can also see their detection zones as a visual aid, to see when they are either on or off.
8th December 2023
Implementations – FMOD incorporated into project. More additions to level puzzles. Incorporated Mask Activation and Deactivation sounds.
Reflection – We included a slightly more complex platform puzzle to reach the next section which would allow the player to demonstrate their knowledge of the mask. This would include Real and Realm platforms, where the player would have to mask the objects mid-air, and present more of a challenge then the previous jumping puzzle.
11th December 2023
Implementations – Created colour-coded pressure plate puzzle. Created Little Girl Spirit blueprint. Changed player spawn point when they fall. Created prototype knight, painting and lock puzzle.
Reflection – Myself and Travis spoke about potentially using ornaments as the pressure plate triggers instead of simple boxes. I drew a draft of some ornaments which could be included. The ornaments would only be able to trigger the pressure plate which has the ornament symbol on, and this would serve as a visual aid for the player, as they would know which pressure plate would need which ornament to be on it.
Additionally, we wanted to have a type of checkpoint system for when the player falls off the platform puzzles. We have changed this to spawn the player on the correct side once they have fallen. For example, before the player pulls the lever they will spawn on the first side. Once the player pulls the lever they will spawn near the lever, instead of being able to cheat the system and spawn on the side they start the puzzle.
We intend to add a knight in a suit or armour which, when masked, will point to a painting and allow the player to mask the painting to reveal a combination for a lock to progress. Once the player has reached the library I will again employ the Gating technique, which will not allow the player to backtrack any longer through the level. This will also assist performance, as I intend to remove the previous parts of the level, as the player will no longer be able to access them. This section was inspired by a scene from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 (Warner Bros. Pictures, 2011).
12th December 2023
Implementations – Created Oil Lamps hook blueprint, and Abyss smoke. Received feedback from lecturers. Additions to beginning of level blockout.
Reflection – We had an idea to stop the player from being able to take the Oil Lamps throughout the level, as we did not want the player to take advantage of this mechanic. We were inspired by Portal 2 (Valve, 2011), where the portals are destroyed once the player moves past the end of the level. The hook would allow the player to take the Oil Lamp off, however the doors would close once the Oil Lamp is no longer weighing down the hook.
We also wanted to include a type of Abyss with thick smoke in the jumping sections. We were inspired by Ready Player One (Warner Bros. Pictures, 2018), as we feel this Abyss section fits with our spooky theme, and serves as an affordance to the player which teaches them to avoid falling into the Abyss.
From the feedback we received, the main part of it was showing the main mechanic on the oil lamps before the player can actually interact with them. For example, a simple example with an oil lamp being on and affecting the environment. A more advanced one with an oil lamp swinging and showing a path for the player. Another oil lamp flickering on and off to give the player more understanding of what they can do. Finally an intractable oil lamp where the player can move it and turn it on and off. The placements of these oil lamps will give the player more knowledge of what the mechanic is and how they could use it to their advantage throughout the game.
16th January 2024
Implementations – Updated planks blueprint to allow multiple orbs to turn their collision off. Created more orbs to allow player to learn their functions at the start of the game. Orbs such as the Stationary Orb, Flickering Orb and Swinging Orb.
Reflection – Regarding the Swinging Orbs, I experimented with different methods to achieve the automatic swing. Firstly, I added a Physics Constraint to constrain the Orb to the Cable. However, I was not able to make the Orb automatically swing with this component. I then added a Timeline Node to create an automatic swing. I then tried different timings for this swing. As having it too slow did not look realistic and too fast was very glitchy. In the end I settled on 1.25 seconds, which had the most suitable swing.
17th January 2024
Implementations – Created prototype Character Dialogue System.
Reflection – We were inspired by the dialogue system of Stardew Valley (ConcernedApe, 2016), as we wanted a system which would show the NPC’s name, and the text alongside. Additionally, giving the player options to choose, which we were also inspired by Fallout 3 (Bethesda Game Studios, 2008). As this dialogue system had multiple choices which would affect their relationship with each NPC. This is a small detail we wanted to include in our game.
18th January 2024
Implementations – Stationary orbs now flicker randomly. Realm Platforms are now slightly transparent. Certain objects now have an outline material around them.
Reflection – After showing Travis the latest orbs near the start of the game, he suggested that the Stationary Orbs flicker randomly, instead of a set interval. This would make the orbs feel more dynamic, and make the player more wary of their functions, as they can be unpredictable.
Additionally, we also wanted to make the Realm Platforms slightly transparent, so the player would have an assistance of where they are. This was an issue during playtesting, as it was difficult to see where the platforms would be, if they are not within the player’s range.
We also wanted to implement an outline material around objects which the player can pick up. Not only that the objects have contrast to the objects around them, but for an assistance to the player.
19th January 2024
Implementations – Drawers now open when player is looking at them. Objects can now be picked up with a key press, instead of colliding with them.
Reflection – We wanted to force the player to explore the level, by having to search drawers and containers within the mansion. By opening drawers, we could force this element, and hide assets within the searched places. This searching element, also applies the Zig-Zagging principle, as we are making use of the space within the level.
Furthermore, we wanted the player to press a button to collect items, instead of colliding with them. Alongside this, the outline material applies colour theory and contrast, which makes it easy for the player to see which objects they can pick up, and the player can use this small mechanic to collect the items.
21st January 2024
Implementations – Collectable objects now show the outline material when the player is close to them, and not constantly.
Reflection – Travis suggested that the outline material only shows when the player is close to the object. As it would require them to investigate objects around the level, and not just see them from the start. Additionally, Travis was inspired by a video which showcases this visual aid (Crimson Hollow, 2024).
22nd January 2024
Implementations – Implemented Musical Book Puzzle.
Reflection – We wanted a more complex puzzle, further along in the game. This puzzle would require the player to pull a lever which produces a sound. The player would then have to find books in the Realm and pull them, where they also produce a sound. However, the player must find eight books and pull them in the correct order. If they do not pull them in the correct order, then the puzzle will reset. Once completed, the player will be able to progress. We chose eight books as the Library is quite large and we wanted to make use of the available space within this section. Additionally, we intend to implement an aid for the player, as there will be a Spirit Character in this section, which will assist the player if they cannot figure out the puzzle in a certain time.
23rd January 2024
Implementations – Fall Zone Checkpoint System. Realm Boxes are now slightly transparent. Player must now look at the Levers to activate them, instead of being in their vicinity. Implemented Broken Lever Puzzle.
Reflection – The Fall Zone Checkpoint System changes the player’s spawn point whenever they reach a certain part of a Fall Zone. This was implemented in order to not frustrate the player, as not giving the player a checkpoint would anger the player if they have reached the safety zone.
Furthermore, we decided to include a visual assist for the player, as we found through playtesting that the Realm Collectibles were difficult to find. By making the Realm Objects transparent, the player would be assisted of their location.
The Broken Lever Puzzle is a variation of the Levers. However, the player must search for the other part of the lever, as they cannot open the doors without it. Once the player has the correct piece, then the lever will be repaired, and the player can progress.
25th January 2024
Implementations – Broken Lever Pieces can now be moved with the mouse, and connect to the Broken Lever Base.
Reflection – Travis suggested that instead of collecting the Broken Lever Piece, that the player should be able to drag the piece around with the mouse, to have more interactivity for the player. The player would then have to move the piece to the correct lever. Thus fixing the broken lever.
29th January 2024
Implementations – Implemented Interactable Levers.
Reflection – We wanted the player to be able to interact with many objects in our game. With the levers being an impressive implementation, as they require the player to pull them similar to a real life lever would be pulled. Additionally, the levers will reset their position, if they have not been pulled fully down, when the player stops holding the lever.
1st February 2024
Implementations – Doors can now be interacted with and opened. Locked Door Animation.
Reflection – We experimented with the player opening the doors by either using the mouse and dragging the doors open, or by simply pressing F. We chose to open the doors with F, as we found that dragging the doors became tedious and annoying, and did not want to frustrate the player.
Furthermore, a short locked door animation was created, to create a visual aid and denied affordance for the player.
5th February 2024
Implementations – Interactable Doors now both open at the same time, instead of individually. Chandelier Trigger. Lightning Strikes.
Reflection – It was brought upon through playtesting that the doors should be opened both at the same time instead of individually. As it became tedious with the player having to open so many doors.
Additionally, we want the mansion to appear possessed by spirits, so we intend to have scripted events to display this narrative. Such as the Chandelier swinging, and other events we intend to implement at later dates.
Furthermore, the Lightning Strikes will enhance the games atmosphere, as we intend to give this illusion to the player, and build the atmosphere early on in the game.
Issue – Shadow Map Method was showing large pixelated squares within our scene. Issue was fixed by changing the Shadow Map Method from ‘Virtual Shadow Maps’ to ‘Shadow Maps’.
12th February 2024
Implementations – Spirit Girl now looks at player when they interact with her. Created Grandfather Clock Falling Trigger.
Reflection – We wanted the Spirit Girl to look at the player to make her more dynamic as an NPC. If she continued to stare blankly at a space instead of the player, then this would break the immersion of the game.
Additionally, we wanted to teach the player how to jump. In order to appear to create a natural event for the player to jump, the Grandfather Clock falling was implemented, to not appear to forcefully teach the player this action.
18th February 2024
Implementations – Spirit walking through Hallway Scripted Event.
Reflection – An inclusion of a scripted event involving a character was mentioned to give the player a small indication of what is to come in the game. Additionally, this event also acts as a small jump scare, to alert the player that there is something else in the mansion with them.
19th February 2024
Implementations – Paintings can now change material when player is looking at them.
Reflection – Another minor event where the mansion enhances the illusion of the mansion being haunted or possessed, whenever the player looks at a painting, the painting will change to a more spooky image.
20th February 2024
Implementations – Rotating Plinth Puzzle. Updated Looking at painting trigger.
Reflection – As mentioned at a previous date, I took inspiration from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Bethesda Game Studios, 2011), as I wanted the player to unlock a door by rotating plinths to match the correct symbol on each one. We intend to give the player clues to each plinth, by placing a decal in each of the three final sections, to show the correct combination, in order to not frustrate the player.
From feedback, the painting trigger should be at a good eye level for the player, instead of somewhere they would have to search to see the painting. Additionally, the animation is more fluid now, as the opacity changes quickly, instead of instantly.
23rd February 2024
Issues – Major Issue with Real World Objects only allowing the player to overlap once when the Lamps have been activated.
Issue was fixed by checking if the overlapped actors had the tag ‘Real World Object’ which allowed the player to move through the masked actor as many times as they wish.
Reflection – Additionally, I also optimised this blueprint by only allowing the overlapped actor to have it’s Tick Enabled activated once it has been overlapped by either the Player or a Lamp. This was critical for performance, as there will be many actors which can be overlapped in the game. The events are also triggered by Event Dispatchers from the Player and Lamps.
25th February 2024
Implementations – Optimisation Updates.
Reflection – The Lamps will only activate their Event Tick for each actor when they have been activated by the Player, instead of constantly ticking which reduces performance.
26th February 2024
Implementations – Audio implementations.
Reflection – Abiel had an issue with the FMOD File, in which it kept opening up blank on his laptop. Abiel had solved this issue by creating his own repository on GitHub, which then allowed me to access the FMOD Session and copy the files across in the Realms Repository.
27th February 2024
Implementations – Updated Camera Mechanics.
Reflection – We wanted the player to know when they have been caught with a red sight cone and sound prompts. The Cameras also blink every five seconds, and also look at the player when the player is nearby. With the cameras also following a patrol path when the player is out of their range.
1st March 2024
Implementations – Fading Black Screen at beginning of game.
Reflection – In order to create a narrative, I created a fading screen which would give the impression to the player that they have just entered the manor at this time. With the added effect of a door closing sound playing simultaneously, as this is where the game begins, with a door behind the player.
2nd March 2024
Implementations – Kitchen Camera Puzzle.
Reflection – This section includes a stealth element, as the player must avoid the cameras, to collect the next sentimental object. The player must pull a lever, which opens a door the player will be able to see in their line of sight. The player then must make their way through the section and evade the camera sights. We wanted to include this section, to introduce a stealth element in the game, and provide a slower section before the intense finale to pace the game more sensibly. Furthermore, there are four cameras in this section which the player will have to avoid. This layout is currently a prototype version as we intend to add more blockages.
4th March 2024
Implementations – Created Prototype Options Menu. Implemented short cutscene in Kitchen section. Imported Font.
Reflection – After packaging the project, I noticed on my laptop, the game was running on Epic settings which was causing a very lagging experience for myself. In order to counteract this, we would need to give the player scalability settings within the Options menu to provide a smooth gameplay experience.
The cutscene was implemented to show the player which door is closing in this section, to avoid any confusion. This cutscene only occurs once and is 4.5 seconds in length. Which will not take up too much time in taking the control away from the player.
Myself and Travis needed a font which represented our game the best. This font would be a cartoon style, but also include a horror element in the font (Bangkit Tri Setiadi, 2022).
6th March 2024
Implementations – Player can now place and remove Lamps from the Hooks on the wall.
Reflection – Through playtesting, I found that the player could place a Lamp on a Hook, and then move the realm object of out of the area. Which caused the realm object to stay there permanently, meaning the player is unable to progress. To counteract this, I allowed the player to remove and place the Lamp on the Hook at any time they like.
10th March 2024
Issues – The player could collect the object without opening the drawer. This issue was fixed by changing the Diary Page blueprint to “Line Trace by Channel” instead of “Line Trace Component”. As the latter node did not detect any objects blocking the trace.
Abyss VFX did not render when the player looks at the effect. Issue was fixed by changing “Emitter Normals Mode” from “ENM Camera Facing” to “ENM Spherical”.
11th March 2024
Implementations – Gained feedback from lecturers after playtesting. Made floating platforms move slower. Made the first swinging lamp slower and larger. Updated Realm Textures for wall and floor objects.
12th March 2024
Implementations – Created draft Main Menu video. Boiler and Boiler Lever. Selected doors open automatically from feedback. Moved second lever in game from feedback.
Reflection – We gathered feedback from Adrian, and it was suggested that our Main Menu image did not suit out game. It was suggested that a background video showcasing the games mechanics would suit the style of the Main Menu better.
The Boiler Asset was implemented into the project, allowing the player to deactivate the Boiler in order to progress. We wanted the Boiler to be in a basement, which would then deactivate the flames in the floor above.
Stuart suggested that doors where the player is not looking they open automatically, so the player knows which does open from levers. This led to the change of some doors opening automatically, so the player would know which doors have been affected by their actions.
Stuart also suggested that the player should see which levers open which doors. I moved the second lever to accompany this.
13th March 2024
Implementations – Implemented new Generator asset. Pulley system does not soft lock the game. Updated the falling through floor trigger. Updated collection of Ring object event. Lamps now emit light.
Reflection – With the Generators, we wanted to break the pattern of activating objects with a lever, and gave the player a button instead. This would break this pattern, and establish a new minor gameplay element.
From playtesting, we found that players were able to soft lock the game, with the realm box getting stuck underneath the pulley. This was fixed by only allowing the pulley to be pushed down once with the box on top.
Initially, we wanted a cutscene for the player to fall through the floor. However, we agreed that a cutscene takes the control away from the player, and would not be needed in this section.
After the player has picked up the next spirit sentimental object, we wanted to alert the player in a way that the way is now open. This was achieved with the wall crumbling. As the player would have no other path to progress. These crumbling effects were achieved with the “Fracture Mode” in Unreal Engine.
Travis suggested that the lamps should emit light with a point light on each lamp. As the level is quite dark without the lamps emitting any source of light.
15th March 2024
Implementations – Kitchen Eyes can no longer see through objects. Obstacles can now block their vision. Updated Sight mesh for Kitchen Eyes.
Reflection – For the Kitchen section, we wanted more of a challenge for the player. With a stealth element involved in this section specifically. The player would have to move between the line of sight in order to progress, and take cover behind objects. This updated Camera was created with a Line Trace detecting the objects in view of the line of sight, and Procedural Mesh dynamically changing size from the objects it hits.
19th March 2024
Implementations – Created Lover Spirit Dialogue system. Converted Pulley System to Pressure Plate. Implemented Curved Stairs.
Reflection – The second spirit the player will encounter will be the Lover Spirit. This character was named after Eros, the Greek God of love. Additionally, the player will have two dialogue paths they can choose for this spirit. Making the spirit react differently to the player’s choices.
From playtesting it was found that the player became confused about what to do when they encounter the Pulley System. This was then changed to a simple pressure plate, in which the player must place the box on top of the pressure plate in order to progress. Instead of the player not being sure what to do next.
After speaking to Travis about the spiral placeholder stairs, I suggested that I could warp the current stairs, instead of Travis having to create another asset. I achieved this with the Modelling Tool within Unreal Engine, and was able to easily create the curved stairs.
1st April 2024
Implementations – Created Key and Lock blueprints and animations.
Reflection – With our game having a key and a lock, we felt it was necessary to include a short animation to show the player that the key has unlocked the door, to give them confirmation of their actions in the game.
2nd April 2024
Implementations – Implemented new Pressure Plate and Boxes assets into project. Implemented chest opening set piece.
Reflection – In order to assist the player, we included symbols on each pressure plate and box, in order to give the player hints for which pressure plate is activated by each box. This is similar to a colour coding system, so the player would know which box activates each pressure plate.
Additionally, we wanted the mask to have a set piece, to show the player that this object is an important part of the game, as we are attracting the player’s attention to this object more than anything else in the game.
8th April 2024
Implementations – Clock Face Puzzle. Implemented Footsteps SFX. Changed Font.
Reflection – Initially we wanted the player to mask a knight in armour to then point at the painting as a clue. This idea was changed to the player masking a clock to move the hands to the correct position. The time the player needs to move the hands to is 03:30, which is the middle of the witching hour, where supernatural activities mostly occur (Ostberg, 2022).
Furthermore, in order to get the footsteps SFX working from FMOD, I had to create two functions to detect if the character is walking on a surface, and to trigger the SFX. I was then required to create a Timeline which pushed out a trigger able event. This would then allow me to trigger when the SFX would sound. For example, when the character is moving and not moving, and when they are in the air or not. Additionally, I had to change the speed of the player movement in order to differentiate more easily between walking and running footsteps, and create a much more visual difference for the movement speed.
Myself and Travis also decided to change the font again. As Travis suggested that the font we had previously chosen was not very easy to read if someone had dyslexia. We had chosen a more clean font, which was much easier to read (Thompson, 2009).
9th April 2024
Implementations – Included head movement when idle, walking and sprinting.
Reflection – I had noticed that the character movement was very dull and not dynamic. So I decided to add some more realism to this element of the game, and included subtle head movements when the character is idle, walking and sprinting.
10th April 2024
Implementations – Head Bust Sculpture Puzzle. Implemented Rotating Plinth Puzzle.
Reflection – The Head Bust Puzzle was not complying in the creation of this puzzle. The visibility of the real head bust was stopping the player from pushing the button. My alternative plan was to simply have the player mask the bust which then moves the bust.
The Skyrim inspired rotating plinths we wanted to include into our games, glow when the player has completed this puzzle, and include a start marker at the base of the plinths so the player knows which symbol is the chosen one.
14th April 2014
Implementations – Implemented Dog Dialogue system and events. Implemented prototype Player VFX Prompts.
Reflection – With this character we wanted the dog to follow the player until they speak to the dog. With this character being the only one that moves in the game. Additionally, the player will given a hint for the Library puzzle.
Furthermore, we wanted to include VFX Prompts for the player to teach the the controls of the games. These prompts would be in the game world, instead of on the screen, which we thought was a very simple way of teaching the player.
Issue – Lamps rapidly flew across the map when tapping Left Click. Issue fixed by setting “Simulate Physics” of the “Hit Components” to “False” and then “True” to stop the rapid movement.
16th April 2024
Implementations – Removed Head Bust puzzle and replaced with a lever door.
Issue – Pressure Plate flipped the spikes opening when the box was slightly pushing the pressure plate down. Issue fixed by getting the Z location of the pressure plate, and then setting the “Down” boolean on an optimised Event Tick.
Reflection – Travis suggested to not include the head bust puzzle, and I agreed as it was not what I had intended to create, as I had difficulties with the creation. A solution for this change was to include a simple door to open with a lever for the player.
17th April 2024
Implementations – Playtest from student outside of our group, and received some good feedback. Change moving platforms to timeline to be able to stop them with pressure plates. Removed hook mechanic and Diary Room doors open when player has collected all three pages. Mask now rises from Chest when Chest opens.
Reflection – From the playtest we had been given good feedback from someone playing the game for the first time. We had seen that the map was too dark in some areas, and the player did not understand what to do in some instances. For example, the mask was at the bottom of the chest when the player walks in the room. However, in this case the player did not look inside the chest. So the Mask was then made to rise from the chest to show the player what they need to collect.
22nd April 2024
Implementations – Implemented Riddle Note in Library.
Reflection – We wanted to give the player a visual hint to the puzzle in the Library, and this was achieved by creating a note for the player to read, and give them visual cues in the text. As the colours of the books in order are visible. We collaborated on the rhymes for the notes to contribute to the theme of the game.
23rd April 2024
Implementations – Player is now taught about the Broken Levers. Places decals of correct symbol hints.
Reflection – Travis suggested that through playtesting the player did not understand what the broken lever handles were, and mistook them for a fuse instead. To combat this I created a way of teaching the player what the broken lever handles were and where they need to go. I also added a green transparent capsule in the space where the broken lever handle is supposed to be placed back, as a visual aid to the player.
Furthermore, decals were placed in the completed sections of the level for the correct symbols of the rotating plinths. The player would only be able to see these symbols when they have completed the respective section.
24th April 2024
Implementations – Another student had playtested our game and received feedback. Spirits now fade away when they leave the world.
Reflection – From the playtest we had found that the player was still confused at the second lever. We had decided to give the player an audio cue to the spikes opening which would alert them. Secondly, the third lamp which the player encounters was tucked away behind a door which made it difficult for the player to see where the lamp is. This lamp was then moved to the centre of the room to allow the player see clearly see where it is.
Additionally, we wanted the spirits to fade away as they leave the world. This was a little feature to show them entering the spirit realm and being set free by the player.
26th April 2024
Implementations – Added the final picture pieces, with widget animations. Implemented prototype End Credits.
Reflection – We wanted the player to collect three final picture pieces of a family portrait in the finale section. After collecting each piece each part of the picture will fade in at the top left corner of the screen. This is to indicate to the player when the pieces have been collected and forming the full picture.
30th April 2024
Implementations – Five people had playtested our game and received general feedback.
Reflection – We received a lot of feedback from the five people who playtested our game, and the main points were that the player became confused at certain points as they were unsure where to go when they had completed a puzzle room.
The platforms puzzles were too difficult. More platforms were added to help the player within certain jumping sections.
The lamps now crumble whenever the player moves them to a different section. This feature completely replaces the hook mechanic I had implemented earlier in development.
1st May 2024
Implementations – Added lamp respawn feature.
Reflection – After watching a few of the playtesters, I had noticed that some of them nearly left the lantern room from where they came instead of progressing the intended route. I was then worried that some of them would walk into the abyss section and lose the lantern. So I created a failsafe for this potential event where the lantern would respawn next to the player upon dying in the abyss.
2nd May 2024
Implementations – Converted Gauntlet into a straight section instead of angled.
Reflection – From playing the Gauntlet section, I had realised that the walls left large gaps leaving the player able to see out of the map breaking the illusion of the game. I was not particularly fond of this, and decided to convert the Gauntlet into a straight section, as this would fix this issue.
3rd May 2024
Implementations – Made different interactables have different coloured outlines.
Reflection – From player feedback it was suggested that it became too confusing having all of the interactable objects have the same green outline. As players were trying to click objects that needed the E key to be pressed, and trying to press E for clickable objects. So I implemented clickable objects to have a Green outline and Press E objects to have a Yellow Outline to differentiate the objects more clearly for the player.
Link to Project –
Bangkit Tri Setiadi (2022) Spooky Cartoon [Font]. Available online: [Accessed 22/02/2024].
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