Our task for this week was to create our own storyboard, with at least three images, portraying a short story. Below is my exploration on the topic.
As I have never created a storyboard previously, I set out to create a simple six panel storyboard which contained a short story, and included a panel which diverted the viewers eyes towards an object. My main idea was a story which included two characters appearing to walk towards one another, and then they would bump into each other. A fight would ensue between the characters, with one character gaining the upper hand over their opponent. As one character lay down from their defeat, a new character would emerge onto the storyboard, where they would appear to know the character which is defeated. The new character would assist their friend, and would save them from their doom.
For my research on this topic, I had searched for a wide range of examples of professional storyboards. Examples from Horror, Sci-Fi, Fantasy films, TV shows and video games (Lannom, 2020). These many examples of storyboards, from a range of mediums, would assist me in what a professional storyboard should look like, and what details should be included.
Skills Learned
From this assignment, I had learned what a storyboard should contain, and what details each panel should contain. Details such as, colour, character design, layout, camera angles, background, camera transitions and the anatomy of a storyboard. Additionally, I had decided to include the anatomy of a storyboard, to give the storyboard a slightly more professional feel. Such as a title of the production, the episode name, dialogue, and the details of the camera angles.
The storyboard could definitely be improved if I had included more detail into the design. Such as more detail into the characters, including a background and more colours into the storyboard. Even though storyboards are not meant to have a vast amount of detail in them, I would say the storyboard I have created could be improved from these details.
Lannom, S. C. (2020) 46 Storyboard Examples from Movies, Animation, and Games (with FREE Storyboard Templates). Available online: [Accessed 22/11/2021].
Below is my storyboard.